Performance Modeling of an Experimental Laser Propelled Lightcraft. Nasa Technical Reports Server (Ntrs)

Author: Nasa Technical Reports Server (Ntrs)
Published Date: 27 Jun 2013
Publisher: Bibliogov
Language: English
Format: Paperback| 36 pages
ISBN10: 1289143056
File Name: Performance Modeling of an Experimental Laser Propelled Lightcraft.pdf
Dimension: 189x 246x 2mm| 82g
Download Link: Performance Modeling of an Experimental Laser Propelled Lightcraft
Performance Modeling of an Experimental Laser Propelled Lightcraft: Nasa Technical Reports Server (Ntrs): 9781289143053: Books - Skip to main content. Try Prime EN Hello, Sign in Account & Lists Sign in Account & Lists Orders Try Prime Cart. Books. Go Search Flight Dynamics and Simulation of Laser Propelled Lightcraft of the 7DOF model, the results compared well with experimental flight trajectory data. data, thrust performance, and beam-riding characteristics of the Type 200 The simulation results indicate that the focal position is one of the Several experiments have been done on laser propulsion for spacecraft [1-5]. In 1998, the Laser Lightcraft had been flown successfully by air-breathing mode using a pulsed A dynamic method was employed to calculate the multi-pulse performance [9]. He calls it LightCraft, a funnel-shaped craft with a parabolic reflector. It channels the heat generated by a laser into its center, heating the air to about 30,000 degrees and causing the it to explode, generating thrust. Small jets of pressurized nitrogen spin the LightCraft at 6,000 RPM to maintain stability. 50.6-gram laser-boosted rocket Lightcraft flew to a new altitude longest laser-powered free-flight, and the greatest Performance Modeling of Experimental. Laser-powered propulsion. First small-scale models used laser propulsion which is a technique still in early stages of development. Lightcraft prototypes are made of solid aluminium machined axisymmetrically. The nose is shaped as a blunted cone for aerodynamical purpose. The rim has an Presented at the 33rd International Electric Propulsion Conference, Performance to ride on the laser beam line, called beam-riding In past studies of the lightcraft, experiments were conducted to examine the confirmed by the numerical simulation using our fluid-orbit coupling flight simulator. II. Performance Modeling of an Experimental Laser Propelled Lightcraft: Nasa Technical Reports Server (Ntrs): 9781289143053: Books - Beam-powered propulsion, also known as directed energy propulsion, is a class of aircraft or spacecraft propulsion that uses energy beamed to the spacecraft from a remote power plant to provide energy. The beam is typically either a microwave or a laser beam and it is either In the case of beam-powered launch vehicles, better propulsion performance Bohn WL (1999) Laser lightcraft performance. Tul'skyi SA, Yachnev IL (2005) Experimental Investigation of Air-breathing Mode of Laser Propulsion with Elongate Cylindrical Models and CO2 Lasers of Different Pulse Durations. In: Beamed Energy Transfer from a Laser Pulse to a Blast Wave in Reduced-Pressure Air Lightcraft: Demonstration of Disruptive Propulsion Technology, AIAA Paper Advanced Performance Modeling of Experimental Laser Lightcraft, Journal of Performance Modeling of an Experimental Laser Propelled Lightcraft. Front Cover. Ten-See Wang. AIAA, 2000. 0 Reviews Each laser lightcraft model resembled an acorn with a cone grafted onto its cap. A model was spun up with a nitrogen gas jet before launch to keep it stable in flight, and then kilojoule laser bursts, pulsed at a rate of 28 times per second, were fired on its bottom shield. SSI would like to see a model beam-power engine built and its performance A Lightcraft is propelled by the tractor or pusher power beam that energizes its experiments were carried out in February 1991 on the laser-Lightcraft's pulsed had as its main objective to launch a laser-propelled Lightcraft into a Under Phase I. performance was measured with pendulum impulse and diameter model, and later reported. flitght test experimental results will be discussed. Flight dynamics simulation of lightcraft propelled by laser ablation A six degree-of-freedom (DOF) dynamic model was developed to provide insight into the flight behavior of Type 200 Lightcraft, and to serve as a research tool for developing future Modeling and Simulation of a Laser-Powered Lightcraft Using Impulse State-Time Equations. An experimental environment has been developed for free flight experiments with a parabolic lightcraft in a laboratory scale. An electron beam sustained CO{sub 2} laser is employed as source for energy beaming with 10.6 {mu}m wavelength, {approx}10 {mu}s pulse duration, pulse energies up to 200 J and repetition rates up to 40 Hz. 2. Numerical simulation of gas-dynamic processes affecting the laser-propelled lightcraft vehicle flight in the atmosphere and in orbital missions is to be conducted. 3. Computational and experimental tests of the Japanese concept of primary receptive optics (beam concentrator) of the lightcraft vehicle are to be carried out in a vacuum chamber. 4. LightCraft Launch Oct 2000 - laserbeam powered propulsion. roidroid September 14 2009: "Lightcraft
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